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WordPad is a basic word processor that is included with almost all versions of Microsoft Windows from Windows 95 onwards. It is more advanced than Microsoft Notepad but simpler than Microsoft Word and the discontinued Microsoft Works. It replaced Microsoft Write.

वर्डपैड एक बुनियादी वर्ड प्रोसेसर है जो विंडोज 95 से माइक्रोसॉफ्ट विंडोज के लगभग सभी संस्करणों के साथ शामिल है। यह माइक्रोसॉफ्ट नोटपैड की तुलना में अधिक उन्नत है लेकिन माइक्रोसॉफ्ट वर्ड और बंद माइक्रोसॉफ्ट वर्क्स की तुलना में आसान है। इसने माइक्रोसॉफ्ट राइट को बदल दिया

v  How to Open WordPad? / वर्डपैड कैसे खोलें?

a.      Click on Start button – All programs – Accessories – WordPad.

b.      Win + R (Run) – Type WordPad– ok

c.      Win + R (Run) – Type Write – ok

a.  स्टार्ट बटन पर क्लिक करें - सभी प्रोग्राम - एक्सेसरीज - वर्डपैड।

b.  विन + आर (रन) - वर्डपैड टाइप करें- ठीक है

c.  विन + आर (रन) - टाइप लिखें - ओके


There are two tabs in Wordpad :- 
        1. HOME TAB
        2. VIEW  TAB


In the home tab there are five groups :-

1)      Clipboard group

·         Cut

·         Copy

·         Paste

2)      Font group

·         Font Style

·         Font Size

·         Grow Font

·         Shrink Font

·         Bold

·         Italic

·         Underline

·         Strike Through

·         Subscript

·         Superscript

·         Text highlighter

·         Text Colour

3)      Paragraph Group

·         Decrease Indent

·         Increase Indent

·         Start  a list

·         Line spacing

·         Left Alignment

·         Center Alignment

·         Right Alignment

·         Justify

·         Paragraph

4)      Insert Group

·         Picture

·         Paint Drawing

·         Date And Time

·         Insert Object

5)      Editing group

·         Find

·         Replace

·         Select All

View Tab

                    1.       Zoom

        ·         Zoom in

        ·         Zoom out

        ·         100%

                    2.       Show or Hide

        ·         Ruler

        ·         Status bar

                    3.       Settings

        ·         Word wrap

        ·         Measurement unit

v  File Menu: -

New:              This will give you a new WordPad screen. (CTRL + N)

Open:             This will open an existing document. (CTRL + O).

Save:             This function is used when you make changes to an existing document, and you want to re-save the document with the changes. (CTRL + S)

Save As:       You must use this option first to give your document a name and to tell the computer what format you want to save your document into. (The right pointing arrow will take you to five different ways you can save a document).

Print:              This option allows you to print a document in three different ways: Select printer and number of copies and print, Quick print (straight to the printer), or Print Preview (which allows you to see your document as it will be printed)

Page Setup: This is where you can select the paper size and source, portrait or landscape, margins (top, bottom, sides), and print page numbers. (Un-tick box if you don't want this option).

          Send in an Email:   Enables you to send your document as an email attachment.

          About WordPad:     Statistical data about your version of WordPad.

  Exit:    Allows you to exit WordPad and closes down your WordPad screen.


Clipboard Group:

a.    Cut           -           It will remove highlighted text from a document.

b.    Copy        -           It will leave highlighted text where it is, but copy it so you can also                     place it elsewhere on your document.

c.    Paste       -           It allows you to paste both cut and copied text.


NOTE: - The down arrow beside the Paste function. Paste and Paste Special are now available. Paste Special options also include ALT + CTRL + V). You use Paste Special for text with links to the Internet, pictures, drawings etc.

Font Group:

a.    Font style -   Calibri is default setting. Click on down arrow for other font styles.


b.    Font size -     12 is default setting. Click on down arrow for other font sizes.


c.    Capital A and Small A-      The capital A will enlarge the highlighted text font size;                                              the smaller A will reduce the highlighted text font size).


d.    B         -           It will bold the text (CTRL + B).

e.    I           -           It will Italic is text. (CTRL + I).

f.     U         -           It will underline the text. (CTRL + U).


g.    Abc     -           Places lines through text to indicate it is to be deleted.

h.    X2        -           Used for subscript. (CTRL + =).

i.      X2        -           Used for superscript. (CTRL + Shift + +)


j.      Pencil (text highlighter)-     It Will highlight text as if you had used a highlighter. The                                           down arrow will give you the choice of 12 different colors.


k.    The A will change the color of your words or letters. Select colors by clicking on the down arrow.

Paragraph Group: 

Left arrow     -           it will move indented, bulleted or numbered text to the left of the page.

Right arrow  -           It will move indented, bulleted or numbered text to the right of the page.

Three dots   -           Bullet and numbered points. Press the down arrow beside the bullets                                            to see other options.

Double headed arrows and lines -           Sets line spacing and indents

Four square boxes with lines -Lines show position of text on your page.

Box 1: Left aligned - Text starts at left margin.                   (CTRL + L)

Box 2: Text is centered.                                                      (CTRL + E)

Box 3: Text is right aligned.                                                 (CTRL + R)

Box 4: Text is justified - both right and left aligned.             (CTRL + J)

The Insert Group:

Picture:                            You can insert a picture. Click on down arrow to change or resize a                                                            picture.

Paint drawing:         You can insert a paint drawing you did in Microsoft Paint. (CTRL + D). 

Date and Time:       Click on icon for a small selection of date/time styles.

Insert object:           You can insert a graph, text etc from other Microsoft packages.

Editing Group:

Find:              You can use this to help you find text quickly in a document. (CTRL + F)

Replace:       The replace option enables you to both find text in a document and replace it with another word. (CTRL + H or function key F5). 

Select All:     This function selects all the text in the document


Zoom:     This allows you to zoom in, zoom out.

Show or Hide:  Tick to show the ruler (measurements on top of your document). Un-tick to   hide the ruler.

Tick to show the Status Bar (bar at the bottom of your document); Un-tick to hide the status bar.


Word Wrap:  Click on the down arrow to change the way your page looks. You can have  threedifferent views:                 no wrap, wrap to window, or wrap to ruler. Word Wrap  will not affect the printing of your document.

Measurements units:You can set your computer to work in inches, centimeters, points and picas.

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